Monday, May 23, 2005


Does anyone really know how to spell that word?

I finally finished Outlander. Jo was right, once she went throught the rocks, it did move a lot faster.

I am phones this lovely afternoon, sitting here at work, wearing my snazzy little headset that messes up my short short hair, yes, I forgot to tell y'all I cut about 6 inches off my hair, it now comes about to the middle of my ears, a little more in back...

So today I got to briefly talk to courtney on messenger, yay! that was fun. (If you people could see the facial expressions I make when I type...). Also today, I still have my stupid permanent retainers on my teeth, because my jackass father let my insurance lapse years ago, (I had to keep them on till I was 24) and I can't afford to have them taken off. Well, a piece of one broke off today, and now I can feel the back of my tooth, which is just weird.

Stupid clients.

Anyway, I don't have a lot to add today. Just kind of hanging out, excted that in the next couple days I will have a new copmuter at home.

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

I shall try... I have to get it from Jo first though