Friday, May 13, 2005

Smelly smelly building

I may need to go home, our building reeks. Someone burned a coffee cup and we've been evacuated once already, but its just getting worse. My eyes are watering and my headache is throbbing.


Toni said...

lol!! Go Courtney, thanks for the ideas!

How does one burn a coffee cup though?

Toni said...

lol!! Go Courtney, thanks for the ideas!

How does one burn a coffee cup though?

Toni said...

lol!! Go Courtney, thanks for the ideas!

How does one burn a coffee cup though?

Toni said...

lol!! Go Courtney, thanks for the ideas!

How does one burn a coffee cup though?

Anonymous said...

Toni's out of control...

Toni said...

Nope, I didn't post that so many times, dumb blog thing