Monday, September 12, 2005

103 days until Christmas!

What constitutes a date(with a member of the opposite sex. Or I guess the same sex if thats how you lean)? How do you define it? I'm curious what others think.

"Date is, prearrangement. With a possibility for love." - Say Anything


Toni said...

Let's not talk about Christmas. Grrrrr!!

P.S. You got SPAM

WaAngel said...

K, I am leaving my comment to a previous post on this one because well, I don't know if you check your comments that far back or if you have them emailed to you... anywho...

Three questions:

1) If you could be deserted on a desert island with ANYONE... who would it be and why?

2) If you could travel back to a different time where would you go and why?

3) What makes you most comfortable? What's your ideal situation in life?

There ya go! :)

QueenieCarly said...

Eeek! Courtney, I think you on the right track, but potential life partner is a bit extreme. Isn't dating the time when you're testing the water to see if someone could be a potential life partner? I was going to have a dating summer this year - get all my friends to set me up on dates, but I had no intention of entering a relationship with any of them. So, I think a date is defined by the fact that two people are spending a period of time together during which they agree to focus on solely on one another. I'll probably have to come back to amend that statement.

So Dawn, now tell us what you think.

QueenieCarly said...

Cassidy said it!