Friday, June 09, 2006

How much of human life is lost in waiting.

While I'm waiting for Carly to email me, *taps foot*, I thought I'd throw up a post about my upcoming weekend. Nothing too exciting.

Tonight: Happy hour(s) with a couple friends. I'm pretty excited for this, I haven't spent a lot of time with these people lately, and I'm looking forward to it. Happy hour is from 3-6 and 9-12, it has happened that we've been there to end the first one and start the second.

Tomorrow: I must do some cleaning of my apartment. Nick's mom and sister are coming to town because his sister wants to buy a computer at the Apple store. So there will be shopping, and likely, lunch.

Sunday: Some more cleaning, and a baseball game with a largeish group of people. Should be a fantastic time.


Nerdine said...

My weekend:
friday - walk home from work. It's a three-four miles walk. Then meet some friends
Saturday - shop. I hate shopping, but need some summer clothes. Then mix some CDs for a friends wedding. Four in total I think.
Sunday - blog, and then meet up with the two girls I'm going to England with on Friday..

Oh - and btw - I need some help! Please read my new post and share your wisdom...

Rocketstar said...

Waiting sucks.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here I am, home again from my own weekend away. Watch me open my mail program and actually type out an email... Tonight I mean it.