Monday, October 23, 2006

The art of teaching is to pretend to have known all your life what you learned...

...this afternoon.

I'm halfway through my first semester of graduate school, and I have to say. I have it easy. My teachers for two of my classes are awesome (they actually combined the classes and teach together, and they're married) my second class sucks, a lot, but it's only every other week, so I can handle it.

The schedule for next semester has come out, registration is next week, and I'm having trouble deciding if I want to take 2, 3, or 4 classes. (One class I'm not "supposed" to take until this summer, but it meets 3 Saturdays, and that's it.) For 5 week, I'll be in class 3 nights a week, but I'll be knocking down a BIG chunk of classes, enabling me to take a lighter load this summer or this fall.

I thought of an awesome lesson plan this morning, I'm pumped for one of my for sure classes next semester, because I bet it will easily fulfill an assignment we'll get in the class.

I can't wait to graduate and have my own classroom. Can't. wait. Only 1 more year! holy crap! This time next year, I'll be setting up my student teaching, and quitting my job, and whoa.

I need to go lie down.


thisisbeth said...

Yay! I think you should take a little more now to give yourself a little more downtime in the summer when there's baseball around. But that's just me.

It's awesome how you're persuing this.

Rachel said...

I agree with Beth.

This whole year has flown by for me. It's insane.

lauren said...

I'll echo the sentiments of Beth and Rachel.

By the way, it's time for a new book. What do you think?

Sarah said...

it's wild how fast things go by, i know! pretty soon you will be done and moving on to that next chapter of your life. i, for one, am really looking forward to that part!

the innocent man by john grisham is awesome, by the way. it's non-fiction!

dawnmarie said...

Now I'm feeling guilty that I've taken a new job that I'mgoing to be leaving in a year.

And I for sure will be taking three classes next semester, I'm just trying to decide on the fourth. It only meets 3 saturdays, that's it. 3 days. I can handle that, right?

Anonymous said...

So long as you're not required to read 400 pages and write a thirty page paper between the classes.