Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My letter to Major League baseball

Dear Major League Baseball,
cc: Bud "dickhead" Selig.

Nobody outside of New York cares about the Yankees. It's easy to have a good team when you have a large payroll. Your stories are in your "small market" teams.

At least one playoff game for each team should be in prime time. I'm not even an A's fan, and I think it's absolutely ridiculous that A's fans have to watch their playoff games at 10:00 in the morning.

The playoff schedule is a sure-fire way to make people dislike Mr. Selig and the commissioner's office more than they already do.

It's not fair to the players, even, of the "small market" teams. Their fans have to take off of work to attend a baseball game? How is that fair? Now those who can't take off work are not going to be able to watch the games, that's thousands of people who can't gather to cheer on their team.

I'm a Twins fan. I have been since I was 8 years old and my mother took me downtown for the parades and excitement. I'm lucky enough to have a flexible work schedule where my co-workers are flexible enough to let me leave to attend a baseball game. Not everyone is.

I was told that "blahblahblah catching air time during football season" was the reason given to someone who called about the game times. You know what? Today is the first day of the playoffs. It's a Tuesday, there aren't any football games on Tuesdays.

I'm understanding. if anyone is going to catch air time during a football game, it's your east coast teams. Because somewhere, someone decided that there isn't baseball outside of the Eastern Time Zone.

You could have given us at least ONE game in prime time. Just one. One of the best parts about baseball is the camraderie when watching/attending a game with friends. Hard to do that when you're stuck in a cubicle.

Less fondly every day,

I really did send this in an email to major league baseball. Minus the dickhead CC


Rachel said...


Toni said...

This was a good letter.

Sarah said...

damn skippy!

Anonymous said...

It's too early to cheer too. The crowd's hardly in it when they're still sleepy.

thisisbeth said...

That's awesome. I'll post my letter when I get it written and sent (real mail, directly to the commissioner. He won't read it, but at least one of his assistants will).

I'm very bitter that I had to miss the first two games. Very bitter.