Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Horking horkness

1. My uncle more than once: has been an idiot
2. Never in my life have I: had a surprise party
3. The one person who can drive me nuts: is me
4. College is: getting to me.
5. When I'm nervous: I panic. pan.ic.
6. The last time I cried was: Some Sunday
7. If I were to get married right now my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be: minimal
8. My hair: needs to be washed.
9. When I was 5: I started school.
10. Last Christmas: was all right.
11. When I turn my head left, I see: my telephone and get fuzzy calendar
12. When I turn my head right: I see my photo of LNP and a picture of Nick and i, and a picture of Team Chipotle.
13. When I look down I see: My many-buttoned keyboard.
14. The craziest recent event was: i cut myself TWICE on a menu at a rehearsal dinner.
15. If I was a character on Scrubs I'd be: an extra, cause I don't watch scrubs.
16. By this time next year: I'll be cold?
17. My favorite Aunt is: tough call. I have 7.
18. I have a hard time understanding: why people like basketball.
19. One time at a family gathering: I saw more than I wanted to.
20. You know I like you if: If I communicate positively with you?
21. If I won an award, the first person I'd thank: I'd just say thanks and get my butt off stage.
22. Take my advice: sleep lots. prefereably with someone.
23. My ideal breakfast is: tomato sandwich
24. If you visit my hometown: don't fall in the lake.
25. Where do you plan to visit anytime soon: Fergus falls?
26. If you spend the night at my house: we'll drink wine, and play games and watch movies.
27. The world could do without: abuse
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: lick the belly of a maggot
29. Most recent thing you've bought yourself? I bought a muffin for breakfast cause I'm out of yogurt.
30. Most recent thing someone else bought for you: Nick bought me dinner last weekend?
31. My favorite blonde friend is: smart.
32. My favorite brunette / black hair friend is: pretty
33. The last time I was high: I work on the 9th floor, I'm up pretty high right now.
34. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: fish. then that old song would be resolved. "Fish gotta swim, birds, gotta fly"
35. I should have been: a gansta.
36. Once, at a restaurant: I drank.
37. Last night: I had class.
38. A better name for myself would be: consuela.
39. If I ever go back to school: I'll get my doctorate.
40. My birthday: is just a couple of months away.
41. And by the way: It's only Tuesday.


Rachel said...


thisisbeth said...

It's only Tuesday?!?


Toni said...

I like this, I'm going to steal it.

I don't really know what a horker is though.

Laura said...


If you're Consuela, I'm Marguerite.

Too bad last night's the only time you've ever had class :brent:

Juuuust kidding, you know I am.

Sarah said...

horky hork hork hork.