Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Shamelessly pimping for love

Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you!


Rachel said...

I'm gonna go with the time that we successfully pulled off operation ninja and surprised the crap out of Sarah. Really that whole weekend was fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the coolest memories is when we were in Chicago on our last night. We had one last chance to win tickets to the musical Wicked and we actually WON! That was an awesome night and a great trip. To think I almost didnt make it.

Sarah said...

oh yeah, rach? well i think it's the time that i surprised the shit out of dawn at matt's!

no, really it was the twins pro shop adventure.

UnionMan1864 said...

The time you sold 8 member cards in one shift. No one's beat that amount yet.

dawnmarie said...

Rachel, Sarah, funny. We're all about surprises, huh?

jo, that was fabulous. best. seats. ever.

John, my favorite part about that is didn't it happen after I'd been gone for awhile? hee. THe guiness book of bdalton records.

theresa said...

there was this one weekend when we were hungry...

Toni said...

Oh lord, where do I begin?

Teas at Ground Round
Drinks at the I-Beam
In bed with Emmanuel
My duck bathroom
IOWA! (5 states, 1 day, happy friends)
Summer at the CMU

I could go on an on...I can't narrow it down to just one!

dawnmarie said...

Theresa: Someday, WHaffles and beer.

Toni: Eesh, it would be tough. I think one of my favorites though, is Famous Daves on the patio with Char and Mandy. Remember that night? I loved it.

thisisbeth said...

I'm going to have to go with dinner at Kurtissa and Angela's, you were trying to shut Kurtissa up about the "marbles."

Laura said...

Alas, there are so few. There is the classic "All the Minnesota/Minneapolis Questions Ever Belong to Us" night for Trivial Pursuit. You hookers. :P

QueenieCarly said...

Hey, that's a really cool idea! Okay... my favourite memories of you come from the discussions that we have about getting to meet. This is an adventure I am SO looking forward to!

I am totally stealing this idea.

Toni said...

Dawn, Famous Dave's was a great time. Ahhh college good times.

I bet our Italy experiences will trump that though.