Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sometimes I feel... I am looking at the world from the bottom of a well.

Not really, thats a line from a Mike Doughty song. It's also the title. FYI.

But, really, my question for today is this: Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, you will never be one of the 'cool kids'? I do. Even in worlds of my own creation/making, I feel that way.

I know I'm not supposed to care what others think. But, I do. *shrug* I'm human, and I'm incredibly fallible. And soft. To those who know me, they may think I am strong, an independent person, hardly capapble of feeling intense emotion, intense sorrow. But I do. I feel it so intensely I can't communicate effectively. So I laugh. I crack jokes. To paraphrase a comment from a post secret post card: I do not crack jokes to make others laugh, I make jokes because I fear feeling their sadness.


Anonymous said...

Do you know where those "cool kids" are now? They are still in the same spot they were in when you saw them last. And most of them are unhappy!

WaAngel said...

werd. i love you dawn... you're super cooler than all those "cool" kids. do you know what i used to do to those kids in school? yeah, i'd beat them up because they were stupid. so there ya have it! :)