Friday, April 28, 2006

The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.

I'm that person who asks you how a movie ends, and I mean it. I really want to know.

Where will you be in three years?

I was thinking about this today, because I have to do a little planning and saving because in a few years, I will be finishing up my graduate school coursework, and headed back into the classroom for a semester of UNPAID student teaching. Now, with the cost of my bills right now, it's going to take a lot of money. But how do you plan for somehting that far ahead? I mean, who knows where I'll be living, what my life will be like in three years? What if I have a roommate? (I would really like to not have a roommate, unless he's married to me) but what if it's the only way I can afford to student teach? Where will I be living? The place I'm in now, will probably cost around 1200 a month in three years. I'm not going to be living here.

Where will I be? I'm a planner, I like to know how things are going to happen. So many things could change in three years. I think about three years ago, and wehre I was, and who my friends were, and that has all changed. I'm now in a different career (althoguh, i'm going back to that old one) The only person I was friends with three years ago that I still talk to, is Toni.

Good grief, a large portion of the people i talk to or see everyday, right now, including my boyfriend, I didn't know a year ago.

So much can change, how do I plan for this?


Anonymous said...

Hey what about Carrie??

How long have we been friends, dawn? (AKA- my long term memory)

dawnmarie said...

Jo, I started student teaching in April of 2003, so we would have just barely met.

And Carrie and I lost touch for several years and didn't find each other until that summer.

Dem Soldier said...

Good for U. Teaching is rewarding goal. Teachers have always have my support N respect.

I dunno know, what to tell U about the future, I 2 am in the same boat with U right now......Things change very fast in this world, and its hard to predict how we will end up in three years....

One thing I'm sure going to do is, move to another state or country after school..little sun..for sure....

lauren said...

I'm also a planner. I had a five year plan and I'm mostly successful, three years into it. So I totally commiserate with you regarding the anxiety thinking about the future may bring.

However, if I've learned anything in my short life, it is that regardless of all the planning I do, there are just some things that you can't plan for. The little surprises that life brings you throw you off course, but maybe they just direct you to a new course. A better course than the one your originally planned for yourself.

If you're worried about finances (and I would be) then set aside $20 from every paycheck. By the time your unpaid teaching stint rolls around, you might actually have enough to live on. When you syphon off a little money at a time, it is a lot easier to bear. And DON'T let yourself dip into your savings when things get tight!

Maybe that comment should have been posted to your "Money Diet" blog.

Anonymous said...

I bought my house three years ago. Very little has changed since then. I like that.

A second paying job might help with the bills while student teaching or you could date/marry an incredibly wealthy man.

dawnmarie said...

Hopefully, by the time I do my student teaching, I will have refinanced my car at a better interest rate, and my personal loan will be paid off.

Lauren, in order to have enough to live off of by the time I start, I'd have to save 125-150 per paycheck. Four months not working.

Erika, I've thought about a second job, but I really don't want to be working that much while I'm in grad school.