Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hello world there's a song that we're singing...

I've been home sick for the past couple days, in that time I've managed to grow a village full of people, a garden full of piñatas and watch an entire season of LOST.

I went to class last night, came home, took a couple shots of nyquil and slept until 10:45 this morning. I feel much better and hauled myself off to the grocery store. Now I'm wiped, but I bought myself some Orange soda, and i'm feeling much better :)

A long while ago, Courtney posted something about a notebook where she wrote down things that made her happy. Not long after that I started my own notebook. Orange and strawberry soda and high up there on my list.

I should pull my notebook out and add some things to it. What kinds of things are or would be in your book? Share!


Toni said...

I keep meaning to start a book similar to that, more of a gratitude journal, but same difference.

Right now, what's in my happy book:
~Crystal Light water packets - and the tea ones, those are good
~headphones at work
~healthy eating
~cute kids
~a new book to explore

I could go on and on on and on...I'll make a post of it someday :)

Anonymous said...


theresa said...

being sick sucks. I think I could probably sleep for the rest of the week.

glad you're feeling better!

Rachel said...

Purring kittens
Warm spring rain
Sleeping on clean sheets that were dried on a clothesline

UnionMan1864 said...

Beer. yup thats about it

Brianinmpls said...

blow job
back rub
someone touching my head
cherry coke
late night walks in the summer
sitting at tailgate with my friends
fog...lots of fog
getting lost in a good book
having someone tell you, you matter
finishing something you really struggled with

Sherry said...

coffee in bed
reading in bed
my couch
Dempsey's Pub
sweet potato fries
going home at the end of a bad day

Laura said...

Ooer, a discussion post. Sweet.

Laura's Happy List:

- Favorite music
- Reading in bed on a rainy Saturday morning
- my down comforter
- baseball
- The 112 Eatery
- getting together with friends just to hang out and talk and not have to do anything or be on a schedule. The summertime bonfires at Dutch's are PERFECT.
- jasmine tea
- going to Tea Garden with my ex-coworkers to shoot the breeze
- Going to concerts
- Randomly getting in touch with people you haven't seen or heard from in ages

Sarah said...

a good meal
my dog
fountain cherry coke
laying around doing nothing
accomplishing something
harmless flirting

thisisbeth said...

Strawberry pop would be on my list, too.
So would be unpacked after moving/vacationing. :\