Monday, April 23, 2007

Beat the drum, and hold the phone, the sun came out today.

There's something elusive, something unknown, in recent years, in the state of Minnesota. A division championship? No, no, we have several of those. Hmm. An MVP? No, got one. An AL batting champ? Nope, got that too. Ah, we must not have a Cy Young winner. No, wait, check. Got a double winner there even. Hmm. What is it?

Ah. I know.

Outdoor baseball.

This past weekend, my mom, my step-dad, aunt, uncle, Nick and I headed down to Kansas City, Mo, to watch the Twins take on the Kansas City Royals. We rolled into town Friday night, just in time to drive by the stadium and see the fireworks shot off when the Royals won the game. 'Twas a wee bit depressing. But we persevered, headed to the stadium Saturday afternoon, took in some batting practice, and enjoyed the beautiful weather. The Twins won that game. The entire experience was a treat.

Now, what I would really like to talk about here though, is food. I exclaimed over and over again about all the great things sold at Kauffman. There were walking vendors selling sno cones, freezey pops, and huge glasses of lemonade. Best. Stadium. Ever. Our seats were towards the back of the lower level (ie: the very last row) so we were right by the food. The onion rings were too enticing to resist. They were among the best onion rings I've ever had. They rivaled Billy's for taste and goodness.

I didn't eat all the stuff listed, just the onion rings, but man, I was on the verge of moving to KC for the stadium food. yum.


thisisbeth said...

The lemonade comes highly recommended, too.

Sarah said...

yeah, no good for ponson on friday. he's a hoser. he needs to go.away.

Brianinmpls said...

I know what you mean I was just at Miller Park in WI this last weekend and I can't wait for outdoor ball it was fantastic:)

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