I've taken a spring trip to Arizona many, many times in my life. My paternal grandparents live in Lake Havasu City, home of the London Bridge. I also have an aunt and uncle who live in Palm Desert, California.
Never before have I gone to Arizona over Easter weekend. In 1998, however, I did. Jay and his wife came too. The paternal side of my family are big on golf. For as long as I can remember, a large part of weekends at the cabin were spent at the Luck Golf Course, where any number of Van's could be found golfing their hearts out. I've never golfed.
There's this pretty big tournament that happens over Easter weekend here in the states. The Masters. We drove out to Palm Desert back in '98 (where Aunt and Uncle live on a, yes, golf course) and spent a large majority of the weekend watching the masters.
That year, the US Amateur champion was a youngster by the name of Matt Kuchar. I don't

Every year since then, I've picked a favorite and tried to watch as much of the tourney as I can. In 2004, I picked Phil to win, and that's the only year I've done it.
This year, I didn't give it much thought. I don't know about the rest of you, but this year is flying by, and April snuck up on me. Even my April Fool's Day joke was a few days late. At dinner last night, Nick asked me who my favorite was. I blurted out Vijay Singh (largely because his name was just mentioned on the tv). After a bit more research, I've chosen John Kelly as my guy. What can I say, I like the newbies.
i'm all phil all the time. but i hate golf, so i don't care, unless he wins.
Vijay Singh? Ick.
I don't mind watching golf, particularly at the Masters and the other majors. The British Open can be particularly cool because the links style of course is so different than American courses.
I don't really care who wins, but it bothers me that every headline I've seen about the Masters thus far has been about how Tiger and Phil didn't have particularly good first rounds. So, who's in the lead? You actually have to delve into the article to find that out.
i also like sergio garcia 'cause he flipped somebody off that one time.
I can't watch any of it, but isntead of filling up this space with my vitriolic spews of hatred, I'd like to comment instead on the fact that year really IS flying by. I don't know if I've ever been so disoriented by the passing of time as I have in 2007. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
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