Dawn: Nick and I are engaged.
Rach: seriously?
Dawn: would I lie to you?
Rach: well, it is still pretty close to april 1.
Dawn: here's a picture for you.

Dawn: no response?
Dawn: hellloooooooooooooooo…
Rach: my gmail quit on me or something. and i can't see the picture
Dawn: i tried sending it from work
Rach: pretty.
Dawn: you got it then? Now do you believe me?
Rach: yep. congrats! so how did he propose?
Dawn: Well, i was sick all weekend, and he was taking care of me, so Saturday afternoon, he made me some malt-o-meal, and said "I like taking care of you, can I do it forever?" And showed me the ring. Needless to say, I said yes
Rach: awwwwwww.
Dawn: *blush*
Awhile later…
Rach: am i going to have to clean snuffy's litterbox tonight and leave a flaming bag in front of your door?
Dawn: you were a tough sell, anyway.
No, I am not engaged, but man was it fun teasing Rachel. The hand and ring belong to a co-worker of mine.
paybacks are a bitch. just keep that in mind.
that hand doesn't even look like dawn! omg, rach. really.
I totally fell for that. I'll admit it. I bought it hook, line & sinker. Pay her back for me too, Rachel!
Sarah is right, doesn't look like my hand at all.
Carly, I'm sorry! Hee. I giggled all afternoon.
That is a good one:)
Great, now I feel like an idiot for tearing up and getting gooshy for you.
But hey, congratulations on your non-engagment!
I was like "that's not dawn's hand"
So if you ever die and all that is left of your body is your hand Sarah and I will be there to identify you:)
(or what's left of you)
Okay, I don't have the luxury of being able to identify your hand so easily, Dawn. Please post an accurate photo so I can see how wrong that last picture was. And even more of how much a fool I am for falling for this scam. Thank you.
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