Monday, April 02, 2007

They say it's the most important meal of the day.

Today's breakfast is special.

Now, I don't really like breakfast food as a rule. I like pancakes, and french toast, but no eggs for this girl, and no cereal as a general rule. Give me a nice tomato sandwich any day. But usually, I'll have a yogurt and some fruit.

But once in awhile, you just gotta have a special breakfast.
Happy baseball day everyone!


UnionMan1864 said...

Finally! the season is here!

Toni said...

Hee that's awesome!

Laura said...


I'm pretty sure the word "BASEBALL" is gonna be in all caps all day long. And followed by an exclamation point. Heh.

Sherry said...

Sometimes I like a nice triple decker club - but with a cherry coke.

thisisbeth said...

Breakfast of the champions!

Sarah said...

please tell me you did not eat a hot dog for breakfast! ew.

UnionMan1864 said...

I'd eat it for breakfest

Sarah said...

is it a dome dog? 'cause it looks like a dome dog.

i can't even stomach those in the afternoon &/or half drunk.

dis-gusting. what a horrible way to begin the week.

Brianinmpls said...

Yeah for yogurt and fruit:)

and Yeah for the Twins...Punto looked good last night;)

dawnmarie said...

I absolutely ate the hot dog for breakfast. It's not a dome dog, just a regular hot dog. Please stop ew'ing at my food.

Twins are undefeated!

Rachel said...

Woo! Perfect season!

Anonymous said...

I was totally craving a hot dog on the way home from school today:)

Sarah said...

i only like oscar mayer hotdogs.
so i'm going to ew, ew, ew and ew! some more.