Saturday, March 31, 2007

Someday I'm gonna be free

I am on the mend. There was a minor setback yesterday evening, but I'm pretty sure that was my own darned fault.

I'd put myself at about 94% right now, spending the day in my pajamas wrapped in a nice cozy blanket has done wonders for me.

Off to the Swarm game. But first, cheesecake.


QueenieCarly said...

Cheesecake and a Swarm game. You must be feeling better. Glad to hear it!

dawnmarie said...

chocolate cheesecake, nonetheless. It was yummy. And then Theresa bought me ice cream at the game. THen we had a decadent chocolate cake at Green Mill after the game. It was a good night. And today I'm feeling a zillion times better, the only problem being the occasional sneeze and a tired voice.

QueenieCarly said...

Maybe you're onto something with your sugar cure. Patent that, girl!

Sarah said...

choc. cheesecake? omg. yum.