Does absolutely nothing. I think that whole "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a vicious lie moved forward by the health care industry.
I eat an apple a day, sometimes more than one.
I'm at home, in bed.
To be fair, I'm fairly sure it's allergies, not a cold, but still. Bitter.
I'm bitter too, I miss your emails!
Get better :)
i would think it's more likely a campaign by the apple growers' association rather than the health care industry! heh.
sorry you're feeling crappy. :(
Feel better! damn pollen.
I know! stupid pollen.
sarah, I think the apples make us sick, and the health care industry is in on it. Probably a conspiracy between them and the apple growers. Aussie's gonna hear about this.
I agree. I think it's an apple producer's racket.
Maybe you're allergic to apples.
I know what you mean. Hope you fel better soon.
I'm glad you liked my blog header. I had it made by Cat at Blog Togs, but she doesn't do that anymore. :( I took the pictures myself and she put them together and made something wonderful. I like it too.
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