So, knowing that we're likely to be very busy in the next few months, Nick and I decided to spend most of our weekend relaxing. Friday night I suffered through the hellish depths of my math class, and met Nick at Champp's for fries and dip. Saturday, we headed to blockbuster, intending to rent a game for the Wii, but ended up buying three movies instead. We'd never seen any of the movies before.

The first selection was
Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny. I liked it quite a bit. I admit to being quite the snob and not normally enjoying "stupid humour" movies. I haven't been interested in a lot of comedies lately, because I don't like 1. Ben Stiller 2. Will Ferrell or 3. Vince Vaughn. Pretty much these days if you want to see a comedy, chances are it's going to have one of these three in it. Tenacious D is no different, as Ben Stiller makes an appearance. His role is minor, however. The plot of this movie is pretty awful, but it's worth seeing, because it's funny. It's just funny. It's not genious, it's not winning any awards, but it's just funny. I may be biased by my somewhat unnatural love of Jack Black, but it's funny.
Selection number two was Casino Royale. I'm not a huge Bond fan, I'd never

seen any Bond movies until recently, when Nick made me watch GoldenEye. I wasn't against seeing the movies, I'd just never had the opportunity. Am I the only one who thinks
Eva Green is one of the most beautiful women ever to walk the planet? I'm not big on girl crushes and stuff like that, but wow, that woman is gorgeous. As for the movie, I liked it. The action scenes didn't overpopulate the movie, allowing for some character development, which doesn't usually happen for me in mega-action flicks. I liked that you could see how new Bond was, the little slips he would make again and again. The recklessness.

The last title we picked up was
Marie Antionette. Maybe my expectations were too high after reading
Carly's excitement, and then her
rave review and then her very first guest poster
applaud it, maybe I expected too much. I loved the costumes, and the music, but the movie just moved toooo slowly for me. Maybe I shouldn't have watched on a Sunday night? (I didn't make Nick watch it with me, just Theresa). I'm wondering if I have to give the movie another chance. The beginning hour moved slower than, well, something super slow. I checked the clock thinking there had to be about a half hour left, and the movie wasn't even half over. I love Kirsten Dunst, I thought maybe that would carry me through, but I was just redy for it to end. By the time the movie picked up and started moving, there was little to no time left in the movie to enjoy the good parts. and the ending. Oy vey, very disappointed in the ending.
I hated pic of destiny which is weird cause I love D. I have no desire to see the other two
Hope you are doing well and congratulations again:)
Bri, Casino Royale is worth it. Just sayin.
And thanks, again :)
I fell asleep when we got the Pick of Destiny on pay per view. Not because of the film itself, I was just that tired. I need to get my hands on a copy so I can have more input.
It seems I'm the only one to really love Marie Antoinette, but I'm okay with that. I love it enough for everyone else too. ;)
i dislike jack black possibly to the same extent you dislike will ferrell. borat was my unexpectedly funny 'dumb comedy' that i've seen lately. sometimes surprises like that are nice. low expectations and all that.
maybe her imdb pic is off, but she's weird looking. and while we're talking eva's, i prefer mendes.
agree with everything you said about movie #3. it was a visual treat, but not much else.
I've Posted, I've Posted!!!!!
Cause it's the Pick of Destiny child,
you know we will be rockin' cause it's fuckin' insane.
It's just the Pick of Destiny child,
you know our movie's better than a Citizen Kane.
Cause he who's a geezer,
must live in my freezer.
and she who is snarky,
is full of malarkey.
and he who is groovy,
must be in my movie, so come on!
That is all.
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