Fully recovered from their blockbuster hit, Dawn and Theresa go to Taco Bell, our two heroines have embarked on their next adventure.
Saving the day.
You see, the Twins, they have not been doing so well defending the world against hell's powers of darkness. They battled for two long days, watching
Dawn and Theresa were called into action. Beth arranged for Dawn and Theresa to attend game three.
Hell's forces of darkness, as we all know, have evil powers at their disposal. They tried to keep our heroines from the game, they infected Beth with a deadly virus, distracting Dawn during her work day in the hopes she would have to work too late to attend. They rained down icy sulpher, making traffic an ordeal that Theresa would really rather not talk about. But they could not overcome the power of a true fan. Dawn and Theresa attended the game. And it's a good thing they did.
Theresa told Castillo to steal a base. He did. Dawn told Punto to act like himself, and get a hit. he didn't quite listen, still trying to hit to the outfield, but it dropped, so she let it slide. Theresa, with her tall, athletic stature, stepped in for Joe Mauer and brought in an RBI in the eighth inning to break the tie, and send us all home without spending the night at the metrodome in an epic battle for the good of all mankind.
Mankind - 1 Evil forces - 2 (sadly)
Evil Forces will not prevail. Go Twinkies!
YAY for Theresa and Dawn! You did a very good job!
and don't forget about how good the hot dogs were...at least for me.
this is BG-esque! nice work.
and when is the new harold and kumar coming out?
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