This is completely surreal. I'm sure most people have hear our national news here in Minneapolis, a major, and I mean major, interstate bridge has collapsed. Current totals, according to Minneapolis Mayor, are 7 dead, 20 missing, and at least 60 injured.
All of my loved ones are accounted for. There was a moment of panic for Rachel, knowing she drives over that river, in that area on her way from job to job, but as she's posted, she's fine. Theresa texted me to tell me she was drinking with my buddy Ty, so she was fine. All of my friends and family are fine. Thankfully.
I don't think I've driven on that bridge since Labor Day of 2005, the infamous beginning of Team Chipotle. But it collapsed between Washington Avenue and University Avenue. I take Washington home on those days when I need gasoline too badly to wait until I get home to St. Paul. This happens more often than not. I drove past the site this morning on my way to work, and it's surreal. I can't come up with another word. Surreal. That's all I got people.
I am happy you are okay. Have been worrying about my TC blogger buds.
That's just so crazy. Courtney emailed me late last night about it, but I was already in bed. Without her heads up, I'd have had no clue. I'm kind of glad I skipped the worrying about y'all part of it, but what an incredibly shocking disaster. I can't imagine how it must feel to live there. I'm just so glad you guys are all okay.
It's absolutely mind boggling.
glad everyone is ok, that's all i gots to say about it.
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